Friday, September 18, 2015

My Reflection about the Article

White Privilege:
Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack
By: Peggy MacIntosh

        I do not like that white privilage is still around because it is not fair to all of the other people who are not white. The daily effects of white privilege are a bit harsh to other races. I learnt a lot of new things when I was reading this. School never taught me any of these things but the real world had no mercy letting me know what is going on. White people always want to be in power because they do not trust others who are not white to have all the power. Which I totally do not agree with at all because other people who are not white could do just as good as job as a white person would.
        Everybody should get the same chance as others. White men also have a very big privilege in this country. Men are considered to be better workers than everyone especially white men. White men are said to be very strong and hard workers. White men are always picked over white women and others who are not white which is not very fair. Now a days white privilege is not as it was 60 years ago bit it is still around. It still affects many people through out the world.

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